Item 6 - Consider and act on a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Corinth, Texas finding that a public necessity exists and authorizing condemnation to acquire an approximate 7.01 acre drainage easement for municipal purposes to install a public project, including but not limited to, drainage, grading, such appurtenant facilities as may be necessary, and other public uses, on real property generally described as being located in the Wiliam C. Garrison Survey, Abstract No. 508, Property ID #313491, Denton County, Texas, described in a deed to the R.W.H. Heritage Trust (Robert W. Haislip, Jr., Trustee) recorded in Document Number 2006-94306, Real Property Records, Denton County, Texas, such property is generally located west of Silver Meadow Lane and approximately 160 feet of Silver Meadow Lane and Sharon Drive intersection on the west side, and being more particularly described herein; providing notice of an official determination to acquire real property for a drainage easement, such appurtenant facilities as may be necessary, and other public uses; authorizing the City Manager or designee to obtain the necessary appraisal reports and make bona fide offers of just compensation for the easement; ratifying prior documents made for acquisition of the easement; authorizing legal counsel to institute eminent domain proceedings on behalf of the City for the acquisition of the easement on said tract if negotiations are unsuccessful; appropriating funds from a lawful source; providing a cumulative repealer clause; providing a severability clause and providing for an effective date.