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Call to Order, Invocation, and Pledges of Allegiance
Citizens Comments
Consent Agenda
Item 1 - Consider and act on minutes from the June 2, 2022, City Council Meeting.
Item 2 - Consider and act on minutes from the June 13, 2022, City Council Meeting.
Item 3 - Consider and act on a Resolution for the appointment of one member to the Board of Managers of the Denco Area 9-1-1 District.
Item 4 - Consider and act an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Corinth and the Denton Independent School District (DISD) to provide a school resource officer at Crownover Middle School in Denton; and authorizing the Mayor to execute necessary documents.
Item 5 - Consider and act an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Corinth and the Denton Independent School District (DISD) to provide a school resource officer at Bettye Myers Middle School in Denton; and authorizing the Mayor to execute necessary documents.
Item 6 - Consider and act an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Corinth and the Lake Dallas Independent School District (LDISD) to provide a school resource officer at Lake Dallas High School in Corinth; and authorizing the Mayor to execute necessary documents.
Item 7 - Consider and act on an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Corinth and the Lake Dallas Independent School District (LDISD) to provide bus services for the Corinth Police Department’s CSI Camp and Youth Mini-Academy.
Item 8 - Consider and act on an extension of the Delinquent Tax Collections Agreement with Sawko & Burroughs Attorneys at Law.
Item 9 - Consider and act on the purchase and installation of 11 security cameras from DAC to remotely monitor the Lake Sharon Pump Station, utilizing ARPA funds, in an amount not to exceed $74,980, and authorizing the Interim City Manager to execute the necessary documents.
Business Agenda
Item 10 - Consider and act on an ordinance, altering the speed limits on I-35E main lanes to 70 miles per hour (mph) within the City of Corinth; authorizing the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) to cause the erection of signs providing notice of the new speed limits; providing a penalty for violation; providing for publication; and providing an effective date.
Item 11 - Consider approval of a Contract Amendment with Byrne Construction for Construction Manager at Risk Services to accept the Guaranteed Maximum Price for the construction of the Commons at Agora and authorize the Interim City Manager to execute any necessary documents.
Item 12 - Consider approval and award of the Agora Transit Oriented Development Streets project for construction of the streets and park civil infrastructure and authorize the Interim City Manager to execute any necessary documents.
Item 13 - Consider and act on a Resolution adopting pay schedules for Public Works, Police, and Fire, approving a compensation plan for its employees; and providing for an effective date.
Item 14 - Consider and act on an Ordinance of the City of Corinth, adopting the 2022 Personnel Policy Manual as the Personnel Policy of the City of Corinth, repealing all conflicting ordinances and prior versions of the personnel policy manual, and providing a severability clause and an effective date.
Council Comments and Future Agenda Items
Jul 07, 2022 City Council Workshop and Regular Session
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
Call to Order, Invocation, and Pledges of Allegiance
Citizens Comments
Consent Agenda
Item 1 - Consider and act on minutes from the June 2, 2022, City Council Meeting.
Item 2 - Consider and act on minutes from the June 13, 2022, City Council Meeting.
Item 3 - Consider and act on a Resolution for the appointment of one member to the Board of Managers of the Denco Area 9-1-1 District.
Item 4 - Consider and act an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Corinth and the Denton Independent School District (DISD) to provide a school resource officer at Crownover Middle School in Denton; and authorizing the Mayor to execute necessary documents.
Item 5 - Consider and act an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Corinth and the Denton Independent School District (DISD) to provide a school resource officer at Bettye Myers Middle School in Denton; and authorizing the Mayor to execute necessary documents.
Item 6 - Consider and act an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Corinth and the Lake Dallas Independent School District (LDISD) to provide a school resource officer at Lake Dallas High School in Corinth; and authorizing the Mayor to execute necessary documents.
Item 7 - Consider and act on an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Corinth and the Lake Dallas Independent School District (LDISD) to provide bus services for the Corinth Police Department’s CSI Camp and Youth Mini-Academy.
Item 8 - Consider and act on an extension of the Delinquent Tax Collections Agreement with Sawko & Burroughs Attorneys at Law.
Item 9 - Consider and act on the purchase and installation of 11 security cameras from DAC to remotely monitor the Lake Sharon Pump Station, utilizing ARPA funds, in an amount not to exceed $74,980, and authorizing the Interim City Manager to execute the necessary documents.
Business Agenda
Item 10 - Consider and act on an ordinance, altering the speed limits on I-35E main lanes to 70 miles per hour (mph) within the City of Corinth; authorizing the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) to cause the erection of signs providing notice of the new speed limits; providing a penalty for violation; providing for publication; and providing an effective date.
Item 11 - Consider approval of a Contract Amendment with Byrne Construction for Construction Manager at Risk Services to accept the Guaranteed Maximum Price for the construction of the Commons at Agora and authorize the Interim City Manager to execute any necessary documents.
Item 12 - Consider approval and award of the Agora Transit Oriented Development Streets project for construction of the streets and park civil infrastructure and authorize the Interim City Manager to execute any necessary documents.
Item 13 - Consider and act on a Resolution adopting pay schedules for Public Works, Police, and Fire, approving a compensation plan for its employees; and providing for an effective date.
Item 14 - Consider and act on an Ordinance of the City of Corinth, adopting the 2022 Personnel Policy Manual as the Personnel Policy of the City of Corinth, repealing all conflicting ordinances and prior versions of the personnel policy manual, and providing a severability clause and an effective date.
Council Comments and Future Agenda Items
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