Item 1 - Consider approval of minutes from the November 4, 2021, City Council Meeting.
Item 2 - Consider and act on an interlocal agreement between Denton County and the Lake Cities Fire Department to provide fire protection services to the unincorporated parts of Denton County that are within the boundaries of the LCFD response area.
Item 3 - Consider and act on an Interlocal Agreement between Denton County and the City of Corinth on behalf of the Lake Cities Fire Department to provide Ambulance Services to the unincorporated parts of Denton County that are within the boundaries of the LCFD response area.
Item 4 - Consider authorizing the purchase of bunker gear for Lake Cities Fire Department personnel, from Metro Fire through the Buy Board, in an amount not to exceed $58,225, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the necessary documents.
Item 5 - Consider authorizing the purchase of replacement radios for the Fire Department, from Motorola Solutions, in an amount not to exceed $560,000, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the necessary documents.
Item 6 - Consider authorizing the purchase of replacement radios for the Police Department, from Motorola Solutions, in an amount not to exceed $350,506, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the necessary documents.
Item 7 - Consider authorizing the purchase of a new submersible pump and rebuilding an existing submersible pump with Global Pump Solutions for the Barrel Strap Lift Station, in an amount not to exceed $75,000, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the necessary documents.
Item 8 - Consider approval of a Resolution authorizing the change of Authorized Representatives for the Texas Short Term Asset Reserve Program (TexSTAR).
Item 9 - Consider approval of a Resolution authorizing the change of Authorized Representatives for the Texas Local Government Investment Pool (TexPool).
Item 1 - Consider approval of minutes from the November 4, 2021, City Council Meeting.
Item 2 - Consider and act on an interlocal agreement between Denton County and the Lake Cities Fire Department to provide fire protection services to the unincorporated parts of Denton County that are within the boundaries of the LCFD response area.
Item 3 - Consider and act on an Interlocal Agreement between Denton County and the City of Corinth on behalf of the Lake Cities Fire Department to provide Ambulance Services to the unincorporated parts of Denton County that are within the boundaries of the LCFD response area.
Item 4 - Consider authorizing the purchase of bunker gear for Lake Cities Fire Department personnel, from Metro Fire through the Buy Board, in an amount not to exceed $58,225, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the necessary documents.
Item 5 - Consider authorizing the purchase of replacement radios for the Fire Department, from Motorola Solutions, in an amount not to exceed $560,000, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the necessary documents.
Item 6 - Consider authorizing the purchase of replacement radios for the Police Department, from Motorola Solutions, in an amount not to exceed $350,506, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the necessary documents.
Item 7 - Consider authorizing the purchase of a new submersible pump and rebuilding an existing submersible pump with Global Pump Solutions for the Barrel Strap Lift Station, in an amount not to exceed $75,000, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the necessary documents.
Item 8 - Consider approval of a Resolution authorizing the change of Authorized Representatives for the Texas Short Term Asset Reserve Program (TexSTAR).
Item 9 - Consider approval of a Resolution authorizing the change of Authorized Representatives for the Texas Local Government Investment Pool (TexPool).