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Call to Order and Announce a Quorum Present
Establish Voting Members and Designate Alternates
Pledge of Allegiance
Business Agenda
Item 1 - Conduct a Public Hearing to consider testimony and make a recommendation to the City Council on an amendment to the City of Corinth Comprehensive Plan “Envision Corinth 2040,” adopted by Ordinance No. 20.07-16-22 and amended by Ordinance No. 20-12-17-40, to amend the Land Use & Development Strategy Map by changing the designation of the Corinthian Park Subdivision and the Boulevard Apartments Addition Subdivision located at the northwest corner of Lake Sharon Drive and Corinth Parkway, from the Mixed-Residential Place Type to the Mixed-Use TOD Place Type. Case No. CPA22-0002 – Land Use & Development Strategy Amendment: The Boulevard and Corinthian Park.
Item 2 - Conduct a Public Hearing to consider testimony and make a recommendation to the City Council on a rezoning request by the Applicant, Boulevard 2010, LLC, to amend the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Corinth, each being a part of the Unified Development Code of the City, to repeal Planned Development No. 30 (PD-30) and amend Planned Development No. 31 (PD-31) to accommodate a proposed expansion of an existing multifamily development on approximately ±19.55 acres located at the northwest corner of Lake Sharon Drive and Corinth Parkway. Case No. ZAPD22-0010 – Oxford at the Boulevard.
Item 3 - Conduct a Public Hearing to consider testimony and make a recommendation to the City Council on a request to amend the City of Corinth Comprehensive Plan “Envision Corinth 2040,” by amending the Land Use & Development Strategy by changing the Place Type designation of multiple parcels of land located within the City of Corinth. Case No. CPA22-0001 – Land Use Map Amendments
Item 4 - Conduct a Public Hearing to consider testimony and make a recommendation to the City Council on a request to amend Section 4.01, Sign Regulations, of the Unified Development Code to allow additional attached wall signs for non-residential developments. Case No. ZTA22-0002 – Sign Code Amendments
Director's Report
Jan 11, 2023 Planning and Zoning Commission Special Session
Full agenda
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Full agenda
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum Present
Establish Voting Members and Designate Alternates
Pledge of Allegiance
Business Agenda
Item 1 - Conduct a Public Hearing to consider testimony and make a recommendation to the City Council on an amendment to the City of Corinth Comprehensive Plan “Envision Corinth 2040,” adopted by Ordinance No. 20.07-16-22 and amended by Ordinance No. 20-12-17-40, to amend the Land Use & Development Strategy Map by changing the designation of the Corinthian Park Subdivision and the Boulevard Apartments Addition Subdivision located at the northwest corner of Lake Sharon Drive and Corinth Parkway, from the Mixed-Residential Place Type to the Mixed-Use TOD Place Type. Case No. CPA22-0002 – Land Use & Development Strategy Amendment: The Boulevard and Corinthian Park.
Item 2 - Conduct a Public Hearing to consider testimony and make a recommendation to the City Council on a rezoning request by the Applicant, Boulevard 2010, LLC, to amend the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Corinth, each being a part of the Unified Development Code of the City, to repeal Planned Development No. 30 (PD-30) and amend Planned Development No. 31 (PD-31) to accommodate a proposed expansion of an existing multifamily development on approximately ±19.55 acres located at the northwest corner of Lake Sharon Drive and Corinth Parkway. Case No. ZAPD22-0010 – Oxford at the Boulevard.
Item 3 - Conduct a Public Hearing to consider testimony and make a recommendation to the City Council on a request to amend the City of Corinth Comprehensive Plan “Envision Corinth 2040,” by amending the Land Use & Development Strategy by changing the Place Type designation of multiple parcels of land located within the City of Corinth. Case No. CPA22-0001 – Land Use Map Amendments
Item 4 - Conduct a Public Hearing to consider testimony and make a recommendation to the City Council on a request to amend Section 4.01, Sign Regulations, of the Unified Development Code to allow additional attached wall signs for non-residential developments. Case No. ZTA22-0002 – Sign Code Amendments
Director's Report
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